Mindfulness Meditations

The Journey Continues

Once you complete the Model of Existence the next stage of your journey are the Mindfulness Meditations. Like the Model of Existence, these sessions are 60 to 90 minutes and run weekly or bi-weekly either in person or over Skype. 


 Each session is recorded and e-mailed to you for your home practice.  Clients will add to their library a new set of guided meditations for their practice.   

The Meditations

The dictionary definition of intention is: what you intend to do or bring about; and idea that you plan or intend to carry out; your goal, purpose, or aim is your intention. As we learned in the Model of Existence, we are constantly setting intentions with our thoughts that are either consciously or unconsciously being carried out by Existence. In this course, we learn more about how to consciously set our intentions and hold them steady to create the life we say we want to experience.

In order to manifest our intentions, we must be “Willing” to have what we say we want, and then we must “Allow” for it to happen and have “Trust” that it will indeed happen. Willingness is the creative impulse and Allowing is the creator. Willingness to embrace the possibility allows it to be. That is the power of creation when we do not apply the brakes (consciously or unconsciously). Habitual brakes exposes the extent of our doubts. We try to move forward but subconscious material takes us in another direction. Willingness moves us toward what we intent to create. Allowing lets us move forward without the mental hindrances of doubt and fear. Allowing is an active state of acceptance and positive expectation. Willing without allowing is wishful thinking. We do a lot of willing, but don’t notice how little allowing we intend. We will also take a deeper look at role “Trust” plays. Trust is the key that unlocks all doors and is non-negotiable. Trust increases our capacity to be consciously present, steady, willing and allowing. Trust facilitates flow, flexibility, and freedom. When we are not restricted by doubt and fear, we move forward with certainty and safety.

. This topic is fascinating because most of don’t even realize how resistance is operating in our lives and what it looks like. Resistance feels like trying to go forward with the brakes on. There is a really cute story of Mutt and Jeff driving up a steep hill in San Francisco. Mutt was in charge of the gas pedal and Jeff the brake. They barely made it to the top and when they finally did, Mutt looked over to Jeff and said; wow that was scary, I didn’t think we were going to make it! To which Jeff replied, I know, neither did I! That’s why I had my foot on the brake all the way. Sound familiar? In this course, we will start to bring “awareness” into the areas in life where you are experiencing resistance to the very things you say you want more off.

A lot of the subconscious information that is influencing our behavior today, we stored as little children. Research suggests that most of our operating patterns were formed from birth to the age of seven, when we were like sponges and just stored information without filters! In fact, in my studies, I learned that approximately 85% of what we do is unconscious. If you find yourself asking the question, “Why does this keep happening to me over and over?” You can be sure that you are dealing with a subconscious belief. In this course, we will apply the tools we have previously learned such as staying present, steadiness, willingness, allowing, acceptance, trust and surrender to uncover old habits and beliefs and recalibrate our field to the new and wonderful ways of being that our hearts know is possible.

Cease resistance to the mind; give up or hand over; give up resistance, give up giving yourself a hard time; give oneself entirely to a powerful emotion or influence, give in to it. Resistance or holding on is the opposite of surrender. In this course we will look at letting go of what is holding us back and holding back our good, which will bring us greater flow, clarity, and a deeper understanding of our true being.

In this course, we will study the seven main energy centers or chakras of your body which could be described as windows into your being. These energy centers or windows reveal different aspects of your nature and give your access to your special gifts. As you open up and work with your energy centers, you optimize your natural flow of energy. As a result you may notice some pleasant side effects such as a quietening of the mind, self-love, self-confidence, better communication, heightened intuition, clarity, and deeper connection to life itself.

I'm ready to continue my Jounrney

    I learned a great deal about mindful meditation and self awareness. Having the meditation sessions recorded for your future use and reference is a valuable lifetime gift.

      — Ray (Manitoba, Canada)